Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr

<p class="null1">A controversial challenge to the works of Ron Chernow and David McCullough</p> <p>With <i>Fallen Founder</i> , Nancy Isenberg plumbs rare and obscure sources to shed new light on everyone?s favorite founding villain. The Aaron Burr whom we meet through Isenberg?s eye-opening biography is a feminist, an Enlightenment figure on par with Jefferson, a patriot, and?most importantly?a man with powerful enemies in an age of vitriolic political fighting. Revealing the gritty reality of eighteenth-century America, Fallen Founder is the authoritative restoration of a figure who ran afoul of history and a much-needed antidote to the hagiography of the revolutionary era.</p>

Author(s): Nancy Isenberg  

ISBN 10: 0143113712
ISBN 13: 9780143113713
Pages: 560
Format: Paperback
Publication: April 2008
Edition: Reprint
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Other books by Nancy Isenberg

1. Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr MP3 Book (November 2007)
2. Sex and Citizenship in Antebellum America Paperback (December 1998)
3. Sex and citizenship in antebellum America (1998/12/31)

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