El Desbarrancadero

Fernando, un escritor colombiano que vive en México, vuelve a su patria de nacimiento para acompañar en sus últimos días a su hermano Darío, enfermo de sida. Darío se ha instalado en la casa familiar. Entre la abundancia de recuerdos sobresalen los dedicados a su padre que, junto a su hermano Darío, es el único miembro de la familia a quien Fernando quiere. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Fernando returns home after a prolonged absence to attend to his most beloved brother, Dario, an AIDS patient whose health is slowly deteriorating owing to his alcohol and marijuana use. Vallejo indulges in digressions into past memories that they both share, which include endless adolescent partying and homosexual love affairs. La Muerte (Death), the character around whom the narrative ultimately revolves, appears throughout, touching different members of Vallejo's family and finally becoming his worst enemy.

Author(s): Fernando Vallejo  

ISBN 10: 6071113571
ISBN 13: 9786071113573
Pages: 190
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