Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions And Death's Duel: With The Life Of Dr. John Donne By Izaak Walton

John Donne (1572-1631) is best known as the greatest English metaphysical poet. But there was another dimension to Donne's life and writing that, if less well known, is no less profound and beautiful. <p>Born into an aristocratic Catholic family, Donne joined the Church of England at the age of twenty-one out of fear of persecution. At the age of forty-three, he gave up his preoccupations with secular prestige and devoted himself utterly to religion. It was eight years later when, battered with fever, the deaths of his beloved wife, several of his children, and many dear lifelong friends, he composed <b>Devotions upon Emergent Occasions</b>. There is both trauma and great drama in this extended meditation on the meaning of mortality, the possibility of salvation, and the true nature of the passage of eternal life. With a new introduction by poet and biographer Andrew Motion, one of the most revered books of Christian devotion speaks to us again of the higher aspirations of man and the always-present possibility of a relationship with God.</p> <p>This long out of print edition also contains Donne's last sermon, "Death's Duel" as well as the short colorful biography of him written by his contemporary Izaak Walton.</p>

Author(s): John Donne  

ISBN 10: 0375705481
ISBN 13: 9780375705489
Pages: 272
Format: Paperback
Publication: December 1999
Edition: 1 ED
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Other books by John Donne

1. 'Life'; appreciations by Ben Jonson, Dryden, Coleridge and others; with an introduction and notes by H. W. Garrod Book (1971/09/23)
2. A Sermon Vpon the XX. Verse of the V. Chapter of the Booke of Ivdges Wherein Occasion Was Iustly Taken for the Publication of Some Reasons, Which Hi Paperback (December 2010)
3. A Declaration of That Paradox That Self-Homicide Is Not So Naturally Sin Paperback (July 2011)
4. Biathanatos
5. Biathanatos Hardcover
6. Biathanatos Paperback (September 2010)
7. Biathanatos Hardcover (September 2010)
8. Canciones Y Sonetos Paperback (2004)
9. Complete English Poems Paperback (August 1977)
10. Complete English Poems (Everyman's Library) Hardcover (October 1991)
11. Complete Poems (1973/06/01)
12. Complete Poems. Edited with Pref. Essay on Life and Writings, and Notes Volume 1 Paperback (August 2012)
13. Complete Poetry and Selected Prose Hardcover (1929/12/01)
14. Complete Poetry and Selected Prose (Nonesuch Press) (1989/07/01)
15. Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne
16. Death&#39;s Duel, 1632 Book (1969/03/01)
17. Devotions Paperback (August 2011)
18. Devotions Paperback (September 2011)
19. Devotions upon Emergent Occasions Paperback (April 1987)
20. Devotions upon Emergent Occasions Paperback (2004)

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