Departed Angels: The Lost Paintings

This first-ever collection of Jack Kerouac's visual art includes nearly every existing full-color painting collected and preserved by the Kerouac estate in Lowell, Massachusetts. Also included are dozens of black-and-white line drawings, sketches, and facsimile reproductions of Kerouac's notations from his unpublished notebooks. In writing, Kerouac's restless and relentless experimentation—what he called "spontaneous bop prosody"—pushed language to the boundaries of meaning. In painting and drawing he found a complementary means of expression. A friend and admirer of painters Willem de Kooning, Larry Rivers, Franz Kline, and Dody Muller, Kerouac was an ardent and deliberate student who worked to develop and refine his skills and his conception of the act of painting—a conception related to the spontaneous composition he had pioneered in his books. Ed Adler's essay offers an unprecedented view of Kerouac, the visual artist. Rich in anecdote and drawing on extensive quotation from Kerouac's letters, notebooks, and published writings, Adler's essay demonstrates the biographical and thematic preoccupations common to Kerouac's writing and painting, especially Kerouac's struggle to integrate the two spiritual traditions, Catholicism and Buddhism, to which he was devoted. No consideration of Kerouac will be complete without reference to this heretofor- unseen aspect of his life and work.

Author(s): Jack Kerouac  

ISBN 10: 1560256214
ISBN 13: 9781560256212
Pages: 285
Format: Paperback
Publication: November 2004
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Other books by Jack Kerouac

1. And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks Paperback (November 2009)
2. And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks Compact Disc (November 2008)
3. And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks Audio (November 2008)
4. And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks Compact Disc (November 2008)
5. And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks MP3 Book (October 2008)
6. And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks MP3 Book (July 2009)
7. And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks [With Headphones] Audio (January 2009)
8. Anges Vagabonds Paperback - French (October 1973)
9. Atop an Underwood: Early Stories and Other Writings Paperback (November 2000)
10. Beat Generation: The Lost Work Paperback (September 2006)
11. Big Sur Paperback (June 1992)
12. Big Sur MP3 Book (November 2004)
13. Big Sur Compact Disc (December 2009)
14. Big Sur MP3 on CD (December 2009)
15. Big Sur Compact Disc (May 2000)
16. Big Sur Paperback (1981/09/01)
17. Big sur Paperback - French (1979/09/27 )
18. BIG SUR Paperback (2006)
19. Big Sur Paperback (1980)
20. Big Sur Paperback (4/26/2011)

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