Damon (The Protectors Series) (Volume 1)

Damon DeMasters is a vampire warrior who has taken an oath to not only protect his own kind, but humans as well. Crimson Rush is the new drug and it’s their duty to find who is behind the selling of vampire blood and stop it. As a social worker, Nicole Callahan fights for the right of every child placed in her care. There’s a war now as vampires have stepped out into the spotlight taking their place in society and the children are at the heart of it all. Damon and his fellow warriors have been ordered by the Vampire Council to train Nicole and her colleagues against the dangers they now face in their new world. Even as sparks fly and tensions mount, Nicole and Damon depend on each other to protect the children of both races.

Author(s): Teresa Gabelman  

ISBN 10: 1470027399
ISBN 13: 9781470027391
Pages: 182
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Other books by Teresa Gabelman

1. A Warrior Wedding (The Protectors Series) Book #7 (Volume 7)
2. Duncan (The Protectors Series) Book #3
3. Jared (The Protectors) (The Protectors Series) (Volume 2)
4. Jax (The Protectors Series) Book #8 (Volume 8)
5. Sid
6. Slade (The Protectors) Book #6 (The Protectors Series) (Volume 6)

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