Critical Chain

Powerful yet simple techniques to solve project management’s toughest problems. This book teaches companies to drastically cut project development times resulting in early completion within budget and without compromising quality or specifications.

Project managers and your teams will benefit from Goldratt’s techniques of how to remain focused on the few critical areas and how to prevent your attention from being divided among all of the how to prevent your attention from being divided among all of the projects’ tasks and resources.

Especially useful for dealing with one of the most difficult and pressing management challenges: developing highly innovative new products.

About the Author:

One of the world’s most sought after business leaders – author and educator, Dr. Eli Goldratt. Eli Goldratt had been described by Fortune Magazine as a “guru to industry” and by Business Week as a “genius.” His charismatic, stimulating, yet sometimes unconventional style has captured the attention of audiences throughout the world. Eli is a true thinker who provokes others to think.

Eli Goldratt is the creator of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) and is the author of 8 books, including the business best sellers The Goal, It’s Not Luck, and Critical Chain. Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints is used by thousands of companies, and is taught in hundreds of colleges, universities, and business schools. His books have sold over 3 million copies and have been translated into 23 languages. Goldratt’s fascinating work as an author, educator and business pioneer had resulted in the promulgation of TOC into many facets of society and has transformed management thinking throughout the world.

Author(s): Eliyahu M. Goldratt  

ISBN 10: 0884271536
ISBN 13: 9780884271536
Pages: 246
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Other books by Eliyahu M. Goldratt

1. It's Not Luck: Author of the Goal
2. Necessary But Not Sufficient: A Theory of Constraints Business Novel
3. Production the TOC Way with Simulator
4. Race
5. The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement: 25th Anniversary Edition
6. The haystack syndrome
7. Theory of Constraints

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