Construction Contracts

This exploration of the basics of contracts as applied to the construction industry focuses 1) upon the different types of contracts and their fundamentals as they apply to, and affect, owners, contractors, designers, subcontractors, suppliers, etc., 2) on the impact of information technology on contracts and contracting, and 3) on the effect of contracts on the management, administration, and the costs of construction work. Using the published standard forms of construction contracts as models and guides, it helps readers develop an understanding not only of the contract process in general, but also why one type of contract should be used rather than another in a given situation.

The Nature of Contracts. Construction Contracts. Stipulated-Sum Contracts. Cost-Plus-Fee Contracts. Unit-Price Contracts. Contracts with Quantities. Subcontracts and Supply Contracts. Arrangements of Contracts for Construction. Design-Build Contracts. Documents for Contracts. Bidding for Contracts. Negotiating Construction Contracts. Administration of Contracts. Claims and Disputes. Changes in the Work of Contracts. Contract Time. Completion of Contracts and Payments. The Uncovering and Correction of Work in Contracts.

For construction practitioners; and also for members of the legal profession who want to see construction contracts from the standpoint of those directly involved in construction and who want to better understand why and how a construction contract should be designed for a particular project.

Author(s): Keith Collier  

ISBN 10: 0137559275
ISBN 13: 9780137559275
Pages: 400
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