Change Your Genetic Destiny

<p><b>“D'Adamo's engaging writing style, enthusiasm for his subject, and personalized advice will appeal to those who enjoy taking a hands-on approach to their health and exploring new theories.” –<i>Publishers Weekly</i><br> </b><br> With over five million copies sold worldwide of <i>Eat Right 4 Your Type</i> and additional books in the Blood Type Diet series, Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo pioneered a new, revolutionary approach to dieting–one linked to a person’s blood type. In <i>Change Your Genetic Destiny</i>, he takes his groundbreaking research to the next level by identifying six unique genetic types. Whether you are a Hunter, Gatherer, Teacher, Explorer, Warrior, or Nomad, Dr. D’Adamo offers a customized program that complements your genetic makeup to maximize health and weight loss, as well as prevent or even reverse disease. In simple, concise prose, Dr. D’Adamo explains how a host of environmental factors, including diet and lifestyle, dictate how and when your genes express themselves. He goes on to demonstrate precisely how, with the right tools, you can alter your genetic destiny by turning on the good genes and silencing the bad ones. Your health risks, weight, and life span can all be improved by following the GenoType Diet that’s right for you.<br> Using family history and blood type, as well as simple diagnostic tools like fingerprint analysis, leg length measurements, and dental characteristics, Dr. D’Adamo shows you how to map out your genetic identity and discover which of the six GenoType plans you should follow. Without expensive tests or a visit to the doctor, <i>Change Your Genetic Destiny</i> reveals previously hidden genetic strengths and weaknesses and provides a precise diet and lifestyle plan for every individual. Based on the latest and most cutting-edge research, this is a twenty-first-century plan for wellness and weight loss from a renowned healthcare pioneer.</p>

Author(s): Peter J. D'   Adamo  

ISBN 10: 0767925254
ISBN 13: 9780767925259
Pages: 352
Format: Paperback
Publication: December 2009
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Other books by Peter J. D'Adamo

1. 4 groupes sanguins 4 régimes (1999/05/11)
2. Arthritis : Fight It with the Blood Type Hardcover
3. Blood Type A: Food, Beverage and Supplemental Lists Mass Market Paperback (December 2001)
4. Blood Type AB: Food, Beverage and Supplemental Lists Mass Market Paperback (December 2001)
5. Blood Type B Food, Beverage and Supplemental Lists Mass Market Paperback (December 2005)
6. Blood Type O Food, Beverage and Supplemental Lists Mass Market Paperback (January 2002)
7. Cancer : Fight It with the Blood Type Diet Hardcover (2004/01/01)
8. Cancer: Fight It with Your Blood Type Diet Paperback (August 2004)
9. Cardiovascular Disease: Fight It with the Blood Type Diet Paperback (September 2005)
10. Cook Right 4 Your Type: The Practical Kitchen Companion to Eat Right 4 Your Type Paperback (January 2000)
11. Cook Right 4 Your Type: The Practical Kitchen Companion to Eat Right 4 Your Type Hardcover (December 1998)
12. Diabetes : Fight It with the Blood Type Diet Hardcover (2004/01/01)
13. Diabetes: Fight It with the Blood Type Diet Mass Market Paperback (January 2005)
14. Diabetes: Fight It with Your Blood Type Diet Paperback (August 2004)
15. Eat Right 4 Your Baby Paperback (July 2004)
16. Eat Right 4 Your Type Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia: The A-Z Reference Guide for the Blood Type Connection to Symptoms, Disease, Conditions, Vitami Paperback (January 2002)
17. Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer and Achieving Your Ideal Weight Hardcover (January 1997)
18. Eat Right for Blood Type A: Individual Food, Drink and Supplement lists (Eat Right for Your Type) Paperback (2003/09/04)
19. Eat Right for Blood Type O: Individual Food, Drink and Supplement lists (Eat Right for Your Type) Paperback (2003/09/04)
20. GenoType Diet: Change Your Genetic Destiny to live the longest, fullest and healthiest life possible (12/26/2007)

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