Cartooning: The Ultimate Character Design Book

Chris Hart’s how-to-draw books have sold in the several millions of copies. Now, in his latest, he delivers detailed instructions, inspiring ideas, and invaluable tips for creating appealing and original manga-style characters. Character design is the key to success in comic books and animated films, and with this clear step-by-step guide, it’s a skill that can be quickly learned. Starting with the basics—body types, facial features, costumes, and expressions—Chris shows how to draw a hyper kid, bratty teen, lovable pooch, cool rapper, and many other distinctive types. Then, he takes the reader on a guided tour in search of original characters in places that range from suburban malls to the glitter and glamour of Hollywood and Beverly Hills.

Author(s): Christopher Hart  

ISBN 10: 1933027428
ISBN 13: 9781933027425
Pages: 144
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Other books by Christopher Hart

1. Cartoon Cool: How to Draw the New Retro Characters of Today's Cartoons
2. Figure It Out! Human Proportions: Draw the Head and Figure Right Every Time (Christopher Hart Figure It Out!)
3. Modern Cartooning: Essential Techniques for Drawing Today's Popular Cartoons

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