Beyond The Grave (The Ministry of Curiosities) (Volume 3)

At the request of Lady Harcourt, Charlie and Lincoln begin searching for her missing stepson. Still recovering from her ordeal at the hands of a diabolical villain, Charlie is supposed to be resting. But resting is dull, so she throws herself into the task at hand, much to Lincoln's frustration. The search leads them down a dark path littered with family secrets and titillating scandal. Using her necromancy to expose those secrets, Charlie unwittingly raises a spirit with the power to override her control. With a dead body on the loose in London, Charlie and Lincoln must work together to send it back before havoc is unleashed, and the committee members find out. Because if they do, they will have more ammunition in their fight to send Charlie away from her home and everyone she loves.

Author(s): C.J. Archer  

ISBN 10: 1518845614
ISBN 13: 9781518845611
Pages: 282
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Other books by C.J. Archer

1. Ashes To Ashes (Ministry of Curiosities) (Volume 5)
2. Banished: Book 2 of the 3rd Freak House Trilogy (Volume 2)
3. Edge Of Darkness (The 2nd Freak House Trilogy) (Volume 3)
4. From The Ashes (Ministry of Curiosities) (Volume 6)
5. Ghost Girl: Book 1 of the 3rd Freak House Trilogy (Volume 1)
6. Grave Expectations
7. Heart Burn: Book 3 of the 1st Freak House Trilogy (Volume 3)
8. Her Majestys Necromancer
9. My Soul To Take: Book 3 of the 3rd Freak House Trilogy (Volume 3)
10. Playing With Fire: Book 2 of the 1st Freak House Trilogy (Volume 2)
11. The Last Necromancer (The Ministry of Curiosities) (Volume 1)
12. The Mapmaker's Apprentice
13. The Memory Keeper: Book 1 of the 2nd Freak House trilogy (Volume 1)
14. The Watchmakers Daughter

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