Assault Troopers (Extinction Wars) (Volume 1)

The Earth died when aliens rained thermonuclear warheads on her cities and sprayed the surface with a bio-terminator. A deadly poison drifted to every corner of the planet, threatening the last survivors with annihilation. For a soldier in Antarctica like Creed, there is only one way to keep breathing untainted air. He must bury his hatred of the extraterrestrials and join the Jelk Corporation as an assault trooper, leaving the planet for outer space. In return for his and other people's services, the corporation will house the last humans for as long as the assault troopers keep winning. For the price of living and the chance to save humanity, Creed has to wear a shock chip in his neck--Jelk discipline is harsh--and he has to don a symbiotic battlesuit that feeds off his sweat. Human life is cheap in the vast alien war. The assault troopers are little more than suicide soldiers, but for humanity to escape extinction, they must survive. But Creed didn't agree to the bargain in order to remain a dog to the aliens. He has a plan, and he'll need all his cunning to beat these star-born bastards and begin the road to freedom for the human race. ASSAULT TROOPERS is a tale of human extinction and ultimate desperation, written by bestselling author Vaughn Heppner.

Author(s): Vaughn Heppner  

ISBN 10: 1496094115
ISBN 13: 9781496094117
Pages: 324
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Other books by Vaughn Heppner

1. Accelerated
2. Alien Honor
3. Alien Shores
4. Alien Wars (A Fenris Novel)
5. Artifact
6. Battle Pod
7. Behemoth (Lost Civilizations) (Volume 5)
8. Bio-Weapon (Doom Star) (Volume 2)
9. Cyborg Assault (Doom Star) (Volume 4)
10. Fortress Earth (Extinction Wars) (Volume 4)
11. Giants (Lost Civilizations) (Volume 1)
12. Invasion: Alaska (Invasion: America) (Volume 1)
13. Invasion: California (Invasion: America) (Volume 2)
14. Invasion: Colorado (Volume 3)
15. Invasion: New York (Invasion America) (Volume 4)
16. Leviathan
17. Lod the Warrior (Lost Civilizations) (Volume 6)
18. Noah
19. People of the Ark (The Ark Chronicles) (Volume 1)
20. Planet Wrecker (Doom Star) (Volume 5)

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