Adventures in the Air (2 Cassettes)

"The Unparalleled Adventures of Hans Pfall" tells of a Dutch shop owner's trip into space and life with extraterrestrials. "Mellonta Tauta" is a whimsical diary of an Atlantic crossing in the future, where recollections of the past are humorously distorted.

Author(s): Edgar Allan Poe  

ISBN 10: 1556561962
ISBN 13: 9781556561962
Pages: 3
Format: Audio Cassette
Publication: 5/1/1997
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Other books by Edgar Allan Poe

1. """The Fall of the House of Usher (Penguin audiobooks)" Audiobook (1995/04/10)
2. 18 Best Stories by Edgar Allan Poe Mass Market Paperback (April 1965)
3. 18 Best Stories by Edgar Allan Poe Binding (2008)
4. 50 Greatest Poems of Edgar Allan Poe (9/27/2011)
5. 70 Best Tales of Edgar Allan Poe Hardcover (1990/11/01)
6. A Descent Into the Maelstr M Paperback (November 2012)
7. A Descent into the Maelstrom Paperback (2005/12/08)
8. A Descent into the Maelstrom (2004/02/02)
9. A tale of the ragged mountains
10. A Tale of the Ragged Mountains Paperback (November 2012)
11. A valentine
12. Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane and Minor Poems Hardcover (1999/01/01)
13. Al Aaraaf: Reproduced from the Edition of 1829
14. Al Aaraaf: Reproduced from the Edition of 1829 Book (January 1976)
15. Al Aaraaf: Reproduced from the Edition of 1829

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