A Heart on Fire

A lively introduction to one of the greatest Catholic devotions--the Sacred Heart of Jesus--showing clearly how the Heart of Christ can be a source of joyful transformation for contemporary Catholics. The Sacred Heart of Jesus, an age-old and often misunderstood devotion, is presented in this persuasive and engaging guide by Rev. James Kubicki, S.J. He delves into the devotion's rich theological and spiritual roots and demonstrates how the faithful may encounter the Heart of Jesus in one another, scripture, the sacraments, and especially in the Eucharist. Kubicki brings to life the rich imagery associated with the devotion's history and provides a contemporary look at traditional devotions like the Twelve Promises, family consecration and enthronement, the Sacred Heart Badge, the Litany of the Sacred Heart, holy hours, and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Author(s): James Kubicki S. J.  

ISBN 10: 1594712875
ISBN 13: 9781594712876
Pages: 196
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