13 escandalosas exigencias de Dios: Discover What They Mean for You

Author(s): Lee Strobel  

ISBN 10: 0829747281
ISBN 13: 9780829747287
Format: Paperback
Publication: October 2006
Edition: Spanish-language Edition
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Other books by Lee Strobel

1. "Case For" Bundle Hardcover (October 2007)
2. Aspiracion/ The Ambition Paperback (May 2010)
3. Case for a Creator Hardcover (2004)
4. Case for A Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God Hardcover (March 2004)
5. Case for Christ Large Print Paperback (November 2010)
6. Case for Christ for Kids 90-Day Devotional Paperback (9/24/2013)
7. Case for Christ/Journey Bible with Book (September 1999)
8. Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity Compact Disc (October 2002)
9. Case for Grace Hardcover (October 2013)
10. Case for the Real Jesus: A Journalist Investigates Current Attacks on the Identity of Christ Hardcover (September 2007)
11. Caso De Cristo Edicion Estudiantil: Personal Investigation of a Journalist About Jesus (Especialidades Juveniles) Paperback (2003/11/01)
12. Caso de la Fe Juveil Paperback (2005/05/01)
13. Como piensan los incredulos que tanto quiero: Como alcanzar amigos y familiares que evitan a Dios y a la iglesia Paperback (December 2006)
14. El Caso de Cristo Paperback (July 2000)
15. El caso de la fe (The Case for Faith) Paperback (August 2001)
16. El caso de la fe (The Case for Faith) Compact Disc (March 2009)

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