12-Step Bush Recovery Program: A Lifesaving Guide to Shaking Off the Horrors of the Last Eight Years, with Practical Advice on Relapse, Remission, and Recounts

The first step is admitting that you have a Bush problem–and that you have ten bucks for this book.

• Do you think that after eight years of George Bush, this country is in good shape?
• Do you feel that the U.S. Constitution has too many Amendments?
• Do you often dream of George Bush in a flight suit?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, it’s time to seek help.

In the tradition of the bestselling Bush Survival Bible, The 12-Step Bush Recovery Program is a lifesaving handbook that will help you recover from the Bush years. This vital guide to post-Bush era wellness features useful discussions of important issues such as Avoiding Relapse, Dealing with Embarrassment, Making Your Home a Recovery Zone, and Staging an Intervention.

George W. Bush isn’t just a nuisance, he’s a problem that afflicts nearly three out of four Americans. So if you or someone you love has a Bush problem, know this: You don’t have to face it alone. Help is within reach. With The 12-Step Bush Recovery Program, you can share in the promise of a better you, a better America, a better world, and a better solar system.

Does The 12-Step Bush Recovery Program work? Just look at these unsolicited testimonials:

The 12-Step Bush Recovery Program is the best book of its sort that I’ve ever read.”
–G. Washington, Virginia

“Every American should read this book in order to understand the depth of the problem as well as the need for a new president.”
–A. Lincoln, Illinois

“I liked this book, but I still don’t understand what it’s about.”
–G. W. Bush, Texas

“Read this book and I will shoot you.”
–D. Cheney, Hades

From the Trade Paperback edition.

Author(s): Gene Stone  

ISBN 10: 0345513886
ISBN 13: 9780345513885
Pages: 144
Publication: 10/21/2008
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Other books by Gene Stone

1. Are You Believing the Once Saved Always Paperback (2005/06/08)
2. Bush Survival Bible: 250 Ways to Make it Through the Next Four Years Without Misunderestimating the Dangers Ahead, and Other Subliminable Strategeries (12/18/2007)
3. Customer Relationship Management Hardcover (2002/01/01)
4. Darling, I Am Growing Old Book (1974)
5. Darling, I Am Growing Old (1975/04/21)
6. Duck!: The Dick Cheney Survival Bible Paperback (April 2006)
7. Duck!: The Dick Cheney Survival Bible (12/18/2007)
8. Forks Over Knives Hardcover (June 2011)
9. Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health Paperback (6/28/2011)
10. How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
11. I segreti di chi non si ammala mai (4/5/2011)
12. Jacob's Trouble Paperback (2005/06/08)
13. Little Girl Fly Away : Haunted by the Demons Within Her: One Woman's True Story Hardcover (1994/04/01)
14. Prophetic Reasons Why Jesus Cannot Retur Paperback (2005/04/22)
15. The 12-Step Bush Recovery Program: A Lifesaving Guide to Shaking Off the Horrors of the Last Eight Years, with Practical Advice on Relapse, Remission, and Recounts Paperback (October 2008)
16. The Bush Survival Bible: 250 Ways to Make it Through the Next Four Years Without Misunderestimating the Dangers Ahead, and Other Subliminable Strategeries Paperback (November 2004)
17. The Second Coming and the Secret Rapture Lie Hardcover (1997/01/01)
18. The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick Hardcover (October 2010)
19. The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick: What They Know, Why It Works, and How It Can Work for You Paperback (1/15/2012)
20. The Watch Hardcover (December 2006)

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