101 years on Wall street

This book provides a complete stock market chronology of the past 100 years. It traces the Dow Jones' advance, 28 to 2800, and includes commentary on historic market forces. Patterns continually repeat themselves on Wall Street, and this volume offers investors summaries, comparisons and yearly retrospects of long trends such as bull and bear markets, shorter sequences such as panics, and includes a seasonal almanac of monthly trends like September dangers and a political almanac of election-market sequences. Market and volume statistics, along with special features of market lore are presented in this comprehensive volume, providing investors with guidance in their current decision-making. Tables and statistical summaries present the best and worst of each decade and provide a factual basis for comparison with modern-day markets.

Author(s): John Dennis Brown  

ISBN 10: 0139460136
ISBN 13: 9780139460135
Pages: 308
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