The World As I See It

A fascinating collection of Einstein’s observations about life, religion, nationalism, and a host of personal topics that engaged the genius’s intellect In the aftermath of the First World War, Einstein writes about his hopes for the League of Nations, his feelings as a German citizen about the growing anti-Semitism and nationalism of his country, and his myriad opinions about the current affairs of his day. In addition to these political perspectives, The World As I See It reveals the idealistic, spiritual, and witty side of this great intellectual as he approaches topics including “Good and Evil,” “Religion and Science,” “Active Pacifism,” “Christianity and Judaism,” and “Minorities.” Including letters, speeches, articles, and essays, this collection offers a complete portrait of Einstein as a humanitarian and as a human being trying to make sense of the changing world around him.

Author(s): Albert Einstein  

ISBN 10: 1607967456
ISBN 13: 9781607967453
Pages: 136
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Other books by Albert Einstein

1. Albert Einstein, Mileva Maric: The Love Letters
2. Albert Einstein, the Human Side
3. Einstein on Politics
4. Out of My Later Years
5. The Meaning of Relativity
6. The meaning of relativity
7. The World as I See It

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