The Unofficial Guide to Managing Rental Property

This title offers the inside scoop ...for when you want more than the official line. So you've decided to invest in real estate - congratulations! - but now you need to know how you can best manage your property and maximize your profit. How much should you spend on renovations? Where will you find responsible tenants? And how can you keep on top of new government regulations? "The Unofficial Guide to Managing Rental Property" answers these questions and many more, giving you insider guidance and valuable tips on managing and profiting from your investments.You'll find savvy advice on everything from legally setting rental criteria and managing properties part-time to successfully evicting delinquent tenants and collecting damages. This comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide reveals what other sources can't or won't....

Author(s): Melissa Prandi M.P.M  

ISBN 10: 0764578189
ISBN 13: 9780764578182
Pages: 456
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