The Purpose Driven Life

Available for the first time, Rick Warren's#1 New York Times bestseller now includes forty unique QR Codes that link to exclusive videos of Rick Warren. These QR Code and video-based enhancements provide a cutting-edge, interactive experience to help you live out God's purpose for your life: reducing your stress, focusing your energy, simplifying your decisions, giving meaning to your life, and, most importantly, preparing you for eternity. A blueprint for Christian living in the 21st century, Warren offers his classic words of hope utilizing 21st century mobile and video technology for a whole new level of learning and engagement. Read, ponder, hear, and see Warren as he helps you discover the answer to life's fundamental question: What on earth am I here for? It's a fresh way to interact with a treasured book of hope that will be read, watched, and re-watched by you.

Author(s): Rick Warren  

ISBN 10: 0310334195
ISBN 13: 9780310334194
Pages: 334
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Other books by Rick Warren

1. 40 Days of Community Devotional Paperback (May 2012)
2. 40 Days of Community Study Guide: What On Earth Are We Here For? Paperback (5/8/2012)
3. 40 Days of Community Study Pack Paperback (June 2012)
4. 40 Days of Love Paperback (2008)
5. 40 Days of Purpose (Small Group Edition Study Guide Six Video-Based Lessons) Applicable (2005)
6. 40 dias con proposito: Estudio De Seis Semanas Individual O En Grupos Video (January 2009)
7. 40 Semanas Con Proposito, Volume 2: Adoracion Paperback (March 2008)
8. 40 Semanas con proposito/ 40 Weeks with a Purpose Kit: Para Que Estoy Aqui En La Tierra Paperback (September 2006)
9. 40 Semanas con proposito/ 40 Weeks with a Purpose: 1-El Proposito De Tu Vida Paperback (September 2006)
10. Answers To Life's Difficult Questions (January 1999)
11. Answers to Life's Toughest Questions Paperback (2006)
12. Better Together Paperback (2004)
13. Better Together: What on Earth Are We Here For? (40 Days of Community, Workbook) (January 2004)
14. Book of James Volume 2: Developing a Faith That Works (Six Lessons from James 3:1 - 5:20) Paperback (2005)
15. Celebrate Recovery, Updated Curriculum Kit: A Program for Implementing a Christ-Centered Recovery Ministry in Your Church Other Format (September 2005)
16. Celebremos la Recuperacion - Sermones Other Format (November 2003)
17. Como Crecer En Cristo Mientras Ayudas a Otros, Vol. 4 Paperback (November 2003)

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