Shakespeare Never Did This

An account of Charles Bukowski's 1978 European trip. In 1978 Europe was new territory for Bukowski holding the secrets of his own personal ancestry and origins. En route to his birthplace in Andernach, Germany, he is trailed by celebrity-hunters and paparazzi, appears drunk on French television, blows a small fortune at a Dusseldorf racetrack and stands in a Cologne Cathedral musing about life and death.

Author(s): Charles Bukowski  

ISBN 10: 0062046217
ISBN 13: 9780062046215
Pages: 176
Publication: 11/16/2010
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Other books by Charles Bukowski

1. 20 Poemas (Poems) Paperback (12/15/1999)
2. A Bukowski Sampler (1988/09/01)
3. Absence of the Hero, Vol. 2 Paperback (April 2010)
4. At Terror Street and Agony Way (July 2000)
5. Ausencia del Heroe Paperback - Spanish (November 2011)
6. Avec Les DamnyS Paperback - French (2002/10/15)
7. Barfly (March 1984)
8. Barfly: The Continuing Saga of Henry Chinaski Hardcover (1985/03/01)
9. Beauti - Ful and Other Long Poems (1999/09/11)
10. Beerspit Night and Cursing: The Correspondence of Charles Bukowski and Sheri Martinelli, 1960-1967 Paperback (June 2002)
11. Beerspit Night and Cursing: The Correspondence of Charles Bukowski and Sheri Martinelli, 1960-1967 Hardcover (June 2002)
12. Betting on the Muse Paperback (June 2002)
13. Betting on the Muse : Poems and Stories Hardcover (1996/04/01)
14. Bone Palace Ballet Paperback (June 2002)

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