Enderby : "Inside Mr. Enderby", "Enderby Outside" and "Clockwork Testament"

Author(s): Anthony Burgess  

ISBN 10: 0140059571
ISBN 13: 9780140059571
Format: Paperback
Publication: 1982/02/25
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Other books by Anthony Burgess

1. "The Malayan Trilogy: ""Time for a Tiger"", ""Enemy in the Blanket"", ""Beds in the East"" (Vintage Classics)" Paperback (2010/12/02)
2. 1985 Hardcover (1978/10/02)
3. 1985 (1980)
4. 99 novels Hardcover (1984/04/01)
5. 99 novels Hardcover (1984/02/20)
6. 99 novels Paperback (1984/02/20)
7. 99 Novels: The Best in English Since 1939 Hardcover (1985/03/01)
8. A "Clockwork Orange": Play with Music (Modern Plays) Paperback, 1998 (1998/10/01)
9. A clockwork orange Coil Bound (1999/10/01)
10. A Clockwork Orange Hardcover (2002/10/01)
11. A Clockwork Orange Hardcover (1987/07/01)
12. A Clockwork Orange (1972/01/25)
13. A Clockwork Orange (1962/12/01)
14. A Clockwork Orange (1996/09/01)
15. A Clockwork Orange Paperback (1994/05/16)
16. A CLOCKWORK ORANGE Paperbound (1976/07/12)
17. A CLOCKWORK ORANGE Paperbound (1977/09/12)
18. A CLOCKWORK ORANGE Paperbound (1979/05/12)
19. A CLOCKWORK ORANGE (1986/10/12)
20. A CLOCKWORK ORANGE Paperbound (1983/07/12)

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