Calder Born, Calder Bred

Ty Calder was a stranger to the mighty empire that was his legacy -- the ranchlands that rose to meet the Montana skies. He learned the ways of ranch life from young Jessy, who knew the land her own heart.

But Ty worshiped dark, glamorous Tara, scion of the new "corporate West," of vast power and big money. Tara lured Ty on, greedy to be mistress of the Calder kingdom. Yet when her world rushed in to plunder the fortune beneath the prairies, it was Jessy who fought for Ty, defying death to save a birthright that was Calder Born, Calder Bred.

Author(s): Janet Dailey  

ISBN 10: 1439189196
ISBN 13: 9781439189191
Pages: 418
Format: Paperback
Publication: October 2009
Edition: Reprint
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